Saturday, 25 February 2012



A word or group of words that are deli used in order to evoke a particular kind of respons from the readers


  • words have negative and positive connotation
  • In other words, some words have good or bad reputation
  • Some words are for formal context and for informal context.


  • Honesty & Direct Language is better for the society
  • No such things as negative and positive words
  • It all depends on context
Even though language has become an integrated part of our lives, most of us do not pause to consider the importance in which it plays in our perception of the world around us. Language is a product of social norms, tradition, culture, and even history. In fact, many historians have even found evidence of geographical migrations of populations using a method of comparative linguistics, such as comparing Sanskrit to Germanic languages to find that populations have moved from India to Europe in ancient times. It goes without saying that language plays a role in creating and reinforcing social distinctions, if only through our subconscious.

Example and observation

  • Mr. Prince: We'll see you when you get back from image enhancement camp.
    Martin Prince: Spare me your euphemisms! It's fat camp, for Daddy's chubby little secret!
    ("Kamp Krusty," The Simpsons, 1992)

  • Paul Kersey: You've got a prime figure. You really have, you know.
    Joanna Kersey: That's a euphemism for fat.
    (Death Wish, 1974)

Thursday, 16 February 2012

All the cool kids are quitting facebook

The best reason to quit Facebook can be summed up in one quote from a 29-year-old in Jenna Wortham's latest item in The New York Times: "People always raise an eyebrow. But my life has gone on just fine without it." Like a lot of Times trend pieces, people have been talking about this phenomenon for ages. But Wortham's news peg is startling. Citing comScore Wortham reports that Facebook is continuing to grow in the United States, but after a 56 percent boost from October 2009 to October 2010, Facebook grew only ten percent from October 2010 to October of this year. Why? Well, Wortham gives a lot of reasons, quoting experts and so forth. But it's all very clear to us. To wear out that worn out Social Network quote a bit more: Joining Facebook isn't cool. You know what's cool? Quitting Facebook. 

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Who is Steve Jobs?

He is the man that keep human and technology getting in touch in advanced. he is the man that create new technology that make us more understandable. well you who is he, Steve jobs, the man who creates Apple design technology these days. he is a co-founded Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak. Under his guidance, the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technologies including the iPhone and iPad. for the people, we only knew only a good thing about him, but not the opposite. Only a few people known him very well with his attitude.

The workers of him tells that his attitude is far more worst as he always struck by his abrasively personality, his unapologetic brutality. the attitude shows is he will screamed, he cried, he stomped his feet. the cruelty that make their workers get out from the company when he driving all the employees to the breaking point and tossing them aside. When Apple ascended, Jobs were completely changed when his temper grows shorter and treating people around him worst than before.

Other than that, when he fathered a daughter with a long time girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan at age 23, he not only denied his paternity, he famously trashed (throw) Brennan in public like he did not do anything to her. even tough he gained a lot of money from the company, not a single piece of money he give to her although Brennan has a financial problem.

Besides, Apple company had been fired him for his attitude. The company took 10 years to forgive him and bring him back to the company. Steve Jobs returning does not changed anything toward his attitude, he still bitter with what happened with what happened at Apple and even bitter toward his closest enemy, Bill Gates. 

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Rule of 10 drive me more confident

In our subject , critical thinking. we have to produce a great idea, so we must thinking and the result must be accurately. so, here we have some component that help us in study, doing observation and everything about in critical literacy subject such as :

  • topic
  • content
  • source
  • audience
  • rhetorical function
  • purpose perspective
  • positioning
  • impact
  • visual literacy
with this rule of components we can get a great work. for example, when doing assignment can make us more confident about what we have done. it is really help in doing the assignment. on the other hand, this component will make us easy to understand for what we have to do. we always use this rule in :
  • article
  • film review
  • research
  • presentation

It really gives a good impact for me, that i can improve myself . For example, i can be a good presenter. i also can give a good perception to my panel when i do a presentation when use this rule. I feel i am greatful because get the chance to learn this subject. It is CRITICAL THINKING subject .

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Our Brain

This is our brain. Do you know well how our brain functionDo you know parts of our brainWell, your brain is divided into 2 parts. Theleft side is for language and logic- such as math, reading, history, spanish, you get the point. The Right side is for creativity such as art, and music. From an evolutionary-biological point of view, the function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body

These are the definition of right and left hemisphere 

Left brain Hemisphere
  • In tune with ONLY one's very own concept of right and wrong as the basis of ones reality.
Right brain Hemisphere
  • Is Emphatic to others concept of right and wrong as the basis of one's reality.